Agreement of Doctrine Form Scriptures - I believe that the scriptures of the Old (39
books) and New (27 books)
Testaments are the verbally inspired word of God, inerrant, infallible and that they are
the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. I accept the
Hebrew Masoretic (Old Testament) and Textus Receptus (New Testament) manuscripts
as the foundational material for the KJV1611. I believe that God has
preserved His word without error for the English speaking peoples in the Authorized
Version, commonly known as the King James Bible, and
I accept it alone as my standard for worship and practice. Virgin Birth - I believe that Jesus Christ was miraculously begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and that He is a hypostatic union, 100% God and 100% man. Holy Spirit - I believe that the Holy Spirit's work in regard to the unsaved is to convict them of sin and unrighteousness and to bring them into judgment. His work in regard to the saved is that of spiritual baptism, sealing, and indwelling (which are all accomplished at the time of salvation for all believers) as well as teaching, and guiding. I also believe that the Filling of the Spirit is directly tied to the believers yielding to the Holy Spirit. Man - I believe that man, in the person of Adam, was created innocent but by voluntary transgression fell into sin thus plunging the whole
race into condemnation and death so that now all mankind is born in sin and all become
accountable practical sinners with their first expression of personal choice. Resurrection of Christ - I believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His ascension into Heaven, and in His present life for us as Priest and Advocate. Return of Christ - I believe in the bodily, personal, pretribulational, premillennial, imminent coming of the Lord in the air to receive His church in the clouds. And that He will come with His church at the close of the tribulation to judge the living nations and to set up His kingdom. New Birth - I believe in the New birth. All who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God. Security of the Believer - I believe in the eternal security of the believer. Once a person is truly saved, he is kept by the same power that saved him, that power being the power of God. I also believe that we can know for certain that we are saved. Resurrection - I believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, the just and the unjust; the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost in a literal Hell.
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The Church - I believe that the church is a New Testament institution, begun at Pentecost; unknown to the Old Testament prophets; (I Peter 1:10-11) established by Jesus Christ, who is the head; (Colossians 1:18) empowered by the Holy Spirit; (Acts 1:8) and composed of believers of Jesus Christ as
Saviour; (Ephesians 2:19-22). I believe the local assembly is self-sufficient, self-supporting, and able to govern itself without interference from other local assemblies, associations or other outside groups or individuals. I also believe that the local church is composed of a body of born again believers in Jesus Christ as Saviour (John 3:1-7) associated by covenant of faith and fellowship answerable only to Christ. Evangelism - I believe that it is our responsibility to support missionary endeavors both by prayer and giving, and that it is the responsibility of every saved individual to share the "good news" of salvation with those who are lost, both by word of mouth and by example. Satan - I believe in the reality of Satan, who is the author of sin, the enemy of God and God's people, a liar, slanderer, adversary, accuser, and murderer. I believe that Satan will ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire. Ecumenical and Charismatic Movement - I do not endorse the ecumenical, charismatic or pentecostal movements. While I recognize that all believers possess spiritual gifts and are to exercise them according to biblical principles and the Holy Spirit's direction, I cannot identify with the unscriptural abuses of these gifts or with the erroneous idea that the possession of certain gifts is an evidence of spirituality. I believe that Christ himself is the source of spiritual satisfaction rather than some undefined spiritual experience. Notice: reserves the right to cease the rendering of services if at such time it appears that there are disagreements with our standards, beliefs, Statement of Faith, Doctrinal Statement or our policies. By signing this document I hereby state that I am in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of, as presented above. __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
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